I wasted like 60 seconds a day marking drafts in Thunderbird as read after using the SendLater-Plugin. The following AutoIt-Scripts that runs in background now saves this precious amount of time!
$x_offset = 80
$y_offset = 140
TraySetIcon('C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe', 1)
While 1
WinWait('[TITLE:Send this email later; CLASS:MozillaDialogClass]')
WinWaitActive('[REGEXPTITLE:Mozilla Thunderbird]')
$tb_pos = WinGetPos('[REGEXPTITLE:Mozilla Thunderbird]')
$mouse_pos = MouseGetPos()
MouseClick('right', $tb_pos[0]+$x_offset, $tb_pos[1]+$y_offset, 1, 0)
Send('{UP 4}{ENTER}')
MouseMove($mouse_pos[0], $mouse_pos[1], 0)