(English-only readers can safely ignore this post)
I'll be talking at FrOSCon this year again and try to take a stab at a topic that does not _only_ involve technical topics but will also tell the story of a bank heist. This heist wasn't supported by getaway cars and pistols but was solely carried out through cyber-means. The talk is in German though.
* Source Code of LaTex Presentation: https://github.com/larsborn/FrOSCon2021-Ghidra-Bangladesh-Talk
* Handout PDF: FrOSConTalk2021-Ghidra-Bangladesh
* FrOSCon schedule entry: https://programm.froscon.de/2021/events/2670.html
* Recording on media.ccc: https://media.ccc.de/v/froscon2021-2670-der_cyber-bankraub_von_bangladesch