My Quest for a Reliable Co2 Sensor in Home Assistant

I've been using a Co2 sensor for a long time now to remind myself to regularly open the window and vent the used up air. With my recently newly acquired hobby of home automation, I wanted to get its data into HomeAssistant to _automatically_ switch on the ventilation. This blag post documents my journey with a couple of detours and a bit of hacking. # Intro I've been using a "TFA Dostmann CO2-Monitor AIRCO2NTROL Coach, 31.5009" which was recommended by a couple of people and also seems to have reasonable reviews online: TFA Dostmann CO2-Monitor AIRCO2NTROL Coach 31.5009 And my workflow so far was pretty straight forward: "display turns yellow/red -> get up and open the window". My new office has a ventilation system though, so the workflow changed to "display turns yellow/red -> take mobile phone, open HomeAssistant app, select the toggle for enabling the ventilator". A downside here is that I've oftentimes forgotten to switch it of again (this never happened with the window of course...). Anyway, enough setup: I want to automate this. And for this I need the data from the sensor instead HomeAssistant and not only on the display. I also enjoyed the clear green/yellow/red display communication, so retaining that would be a plus. # Hardware The first step is the hardware, I googled around for HomeAssistant-compatible Co2 detectors and ordered one. They are relatively pricey as far as sensor go: 40 EUR for a "SPORTARC Tuya Zigbee Smart 6-in-1" which seems to be pretty China-ware-y: SPORTARC Tuya Zigbee Smart 6-in-1 The reported values out of that sensor just didn't coincide with the readings from the Dostmann 31.5009 and are overall very unbelievable if you look at historic data: Sportarc Tuya Readings I would have expected a less spikey-graph. For example: it doesn't really make sense for the value to oscillate around an arbitrary-seeming baseline of 380 ppm. But I'm not an expert and maybe this is all good and dandy and what I should expect from a Co2 sensor. To avoid investing more money in inaccurate sensors, I decided to research if Dostmann also has sensor that can be read programmatically. But the answer sadly seems to be "No". BUT there is one model, the "31.5006", which is not only powered through USB but also can be persuaded into emitting some data. All un-documented of course but I've not chosen HomeAssistant as a platform to have a seamless end-user experience. TFA Dostmann CO2-Monitor 31.5006 # Software This section will only cover the "low level" software where we interact with the sensor via USB. I connected the sensor to a RaspberryPi and we can now use Python to figure out, which connected device is actually the sensor:
def find_first_holtek():
    for dir_name in os.listdir("/sys/class/hidraw/"):
        uevent_file_name = F"/sys/class/hidraw/{dir_name}/device/uevent"
        with open(uevent_file_name, "r") as fp:
            for line in fp.readlines():
                spl = line.strip().split("=", 1)
                if len(spl) != 2:
                if spl[0] != "HID_NAME":
                if "Holtek" in spl[1]:
                    return dir_name
On top of that, we need to helper functions to check a checksum value returned from the device and one to assemble the actual value from two bytes:
def check_sum(data: List[int]):
    if ((data[0] + data[1] + data[2]) % 256) != data[3]:
        raise ValueError("Invalid Checksum")

def _decode_value(data: List[int]):
    return (data[1] << 8) | data[2]
Finally, putting this all together:
device_name = find_first_holtek()
if device_name is None:
    raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine device, is it really plugged in?")
fp = open(F"/dev/{device_name}", "ab+", 0)
fcntl.ioctl(fp, 0xc0094806, b"\x00\xc4\xc6\xc0\x92\x40\x23\xdc\x96")

temperature = None
carbon_dioxide = None
humidity = None
for _ in range(10):
    resp = list(
    value = decode_value(resp)
    if resp[0] == 0x50:
        carbon_dioxide = value
    if resp[0] == 0x42:
        temperature = value
    if resp[0] == 0x41:
        humidity = value
    if all(r is not None for r in [temperature, carbon_dioxide, humidity]):
print(temperature, carbon_dioxide, humidity)
# HomeAssistant Ok, we now have a Python script on a RaspberryPi able to read values from a sensor. But how do we get those values in HomeAssistant now? Some folks online recommend using MQTT for this. But that sounds like overkill to me. So I decided to go down a different route: HomeAssistant can _pull in_ information by regularly polling a REST-like API. So the plan is to expose the above-calculated numbers in a REST-like API and then configure HomeAssistant with that API. We needed a RaspberryPi anyway, so that that was merely a matter of wrapping the above in a FastAPI. I'll not paste it here because it's a bit verbose, you can find it on GitHub: Set up Python venv, install dependencies, download the gist, and run the API:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install fastapi[standard] uvicorn

curl "" >
sudo uvicorn fast_co2:app --host --port 80
It'll return JSON like the following:
  "carbon_dioxide": 708,
  "temperature": 22.79,
  "humidity": 0
Yes, my device doesn't seem to actually have a humidity sensor. I'm fine thought, I bought it for the CO2! HomeAssistant has has two way of polling REST APIs: RESTful Sensor und RESTful. The former only allows to extract a single value per call. Since we want to extract all three values from the API we need to use the later. If you want to follow along, install the corresponding integration first. And add the following to your configration.yaml (don't forget to change the IP address to your RaspberryPi's address):
  - scan_interval: 60
      - name: "TFA Dostmann 31.5006 Temperature"
        unique_id: temperature
        value_template: "{{ value_json['temperature'] }}"
        device_class: temperature
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      - name: "TFA Dostmann 31.5006 Humidity"
        unique_id: humidity
        value_template: "{{ value_json['humidity'] }}"
        device_class: humidity
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
      - name: "TFA Dostmann 31.5006 Carbon Dioxide"
        unique_id: carbon_dioxide
        value_template: "{{ value_json['carbon_dioxide'] }}"
        device_class: carbon_dioxide
        unit_of_measurement: "ppm"
In order for these entities to appear in HomeAssistant you need fully restart home assistant and enjoy beautiful graphs: Example data # References * Starting Point: * Overview and the correct temperature formula: * Python code: * Available values for device_class:

4 Replies to “My Quest for a Reliable Co2 Sensor in Home Assistant”

  1. I can recommend the Aranet4 CO2 sensor [1]. It is reliable and offers high measurement accuracy. It has a Bluetooth connection and can be used with Home Assistant through the existing integration [2]. [1] [2]
    1. Thanks for the recommendation! I think initially, I shied away from the 200 EUR price point but summing up the initial sensor that I basically threw away and the RaspberryPi on top of the 65 EUR Dostmann 31.5006 it's basically the same now :-).
  2. Not sure if you just were not aware, but the AIRCO2NTROL COACH 31.5009 you showed initially in this post also shows up as a USB device if you plug it into a computer. It works exactly the same way as the AIRCO2NTROL MINI 31.5006. Its humidity sensor is also exposed, but it has the identifier 0x41 and the reported value has to be divided by 100.

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