Member variables in python are horrible. They are not visible in the layout of the class which is instantiated, but instead the __init__
function of a class creates certain member variables for the instance. I have never liked this about python, to be honest. For a recent project, I devised the following solution. Assume you would want this behaviour:
>>> class test(Base):
... # Variables
... number = 4
... string = "hodor"
... # Functions
... def stringmult(self):
... return self.number * self.string
>>> test().stringmult()
>>> test(number=2).stringmult()
>>> test(string="Na",number=8).stringmult() + " - Batman!"
'NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa - Batman!'
>>> test(end="Batman!")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
In other words, any class that inherits from Base
can be constructed with keyword arguments who must match exactly the correct class variables which you specify. This one does it:
from ctypes import ArgumentError
class Base(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# "given" is the list of keyword arguments passed to the constructor
# of this object, "needed" is the list of class variables which belong to
# the base class of the object which is being created, which do not end
# with two underscores and which are not a function. Trust me, we do not
# want to meddle with those.
given = list(kwargs.keys())
needed = [attr for attr in dir(self.__class__) if attr[-2:] != '__' \
and type(self.__class__.__dict__[attr])!=type(lambda:0) ]
# Check if keyword arguments have been provided which are not among the
# required arguments and throw an exception if so. Remove this check for
# a less restrictive base class. I wouldn't recommend it.
if not set(given) <= set(needed):
raise ArgumentError()
# First, initialize the attribute dictionary of the object being created
# with a list of default values, indicated by the values of the class
# variables. Then, update the attribute dictionary again with the values
# provided to this constructor.
self.__dict__.update({k: self.__class__.__dict__[k] for k in needed})
I personally like this approach a lot and hereby dare you to tell me even a single reason not to do this, in the comments.