When I open up a file in IDA Pro, I usually want the HexRays decompiler panel to the right of the disassembly. It just so happens that I open up a lot of files in IDA Pro and I have to rearrange the panels every time. Now I finally sat down and wrote a little Python plugin that will rearrange the panels just the way I like them. You may have similar problems and may find it useful. You should be able (with only a small amount of pain) to modify the script according to your own preferred layout:
import idaapi
def runonce(function):
A decorator which makes a function run only once.
function._first_run = True
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if function._first_run:
function._first_run = False
return function(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def position_pseudocode():
idaapi.set_dock_pos('Pseudocode-A', None, idaapi.DP_RIGHT)
idaapi.set_dock_pos('Graph overview', 'Output window', idaapi.DP_TAB)
idaapi.set_dock_pos('Functions window', 'Output window', idaapi.DP_TAB)
class PseudoCodeTabRight(idaapi.plugin_t):
flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_HIDE
comment = 'Opens the PseudoCode tab in a spearate pane to the right.'
help = 'The plugin triggers automatically when the decompiler is engaged for the first time.'
wanted_name = 'PseudoCodeTabRight'
wanted_hotkey = ''
def init(self):
def hexrays_event_callback(event, *args):
if event == idaapi.hxe_open_pseudocode:
return 0
if not idaapi.install_hexrays_callback(hexrays_event_callback):
return idaapi.PLUGIN_SKIP
return idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP
def run(self, arg=0):
def term(self):
return PseudoCodeTabRight()