I need to update this wordpress install every once in a while. There are lots of bash scripts on the internet that perform this task, and they are complicated beyond reason. This is what I use:
function cfg {
grep $2 $1/wp-config.php | awk 'BEGIN {FS="[, )\x27]*"}; {print $3;}'
echo "> backing up database."
mysqldump --user=$(cfg $1 DB_USER) \
--password=$(cfg $1 DB_PASSWORD) \
--host=$(cfg $1 DB_HOST) \
$(cfg $1 DB_NAME) > backup.database.sql
echo "> backing up website."
tar -cjf backup.files.bz2 $1
echo "> retrieving latest wordpress."
wget -q https://wordpress.org/latest.zip
unzip -qq latest.zip
echo "> updating wordpress."
rm -r $1/wp-includes $1/wp-admin
cp -r wordpress/* $1/
echo "> cleaning up."
rm -r wordpress
rm latest.zip
It takes a single argument, which is the name of your wordpress root directory. It backups your database to the file backup.database.sql
and backups the files to backup.files.bz2
, then it simply proceeds as described in the wordpress codex for updating manual. I do not see what all the fuzz is about.