**Disclaimer:** If you are not running Windows on your host, you might not get anything out of this post. Sorry Tux. I am convinced that the Windows Sandbox is one of the best virtualization solutions to do dynamic malware analysis (for Windows malware, at least). The reason is quite simple: Distinguishing a Windows 10 Sandbox instance from the actual underlying Windows 10 install should be very difficult for malware. Specifically if the host is running on HyperV with Guarded Host enabled, my current understanding is that there are little to no differences between the two, but they are neatly isolated from one another. The configuration options are limited, but you can easily cook up a config that launches a WindowsSandbox instance that has all the tools you need for some basic unpacking & dynamic analysis. This is what my malware analysis sandbox looks like at launch: New Windows Sandbox I have successfully executed a number of samples that evade execution in other virtualized environments. That's a far cry from rigorous testing, so take my praise with a grain of salt. Still, it might be worth a try, the setup is really easy. Do you want to see my config?

This blag post describes my though-process during identification of the string deobfuscation method in a sample belonging to the Zloader malware family. Specifically, I wanted to identify the function or functions responsible for string deobfuscation only using static analysis and Ghidra, understand the algorithm, emulate it in Java and implement a Ghidra script to deobfuscate all strings in a binary of this family. The target audience of this post are people that have some experience with static reverse engineering and Ghidra but who always asked themselves how the f those reversing wizards identify specific functionality within a binary without wasting hours, days and weeks. Show me what you got!

I have spent some time reverse engineering Delphi binaries with IDA & HexRays at work, but IDA tends to make a few mistakes and I wrote a few scripts to fix them. Then [Ghidra](https://ghidra-sre.org/) came along and I was very curious to know how it would fare against some of the Delphi malware that I know and ~~loathe~~ love. I'd say it does about as bad as IDA, and so I went on a journey to rewrite my scripts from work as Ghidra scripts. TL/DR; [The scripts are on GitHub](https://github.com/huettenhain/dhrake/). But would you like to know **more**?

Do you ... analyze a lot of malware? Dynamically, too? Or do you just want to launch suspended processes? Well either way, although this is really easy to do, my intense web research did not yield satisfactory results. So here you go, this will just take the entire command line that is passed to it and execute it as a new, suspended process:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Shlwapi.h>

BOOL ChrIsWhiteSpace(WCHAR x) {
    return x == 32 || (x >= 9 && x <= 13);

int WinMainCRTStartup() {
    int ArgCount = 0;
    WCHAR* CommandLine = GetCommandLineW();
    WCHAR** ArgList = CommandLineToArgvW(CommandLine, &ArgCount);
    if (ArgList && ArgCount > 1) {
        WCHAR* PtrRest = StrStrW(CommandLine, ArgList[1]);
        if (PtrRest) {
            STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo;
            PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo;

            while (!ChrIsWhiteSpace(*PtrRest))


Do you want the Base64 encoded binary?