A while back [I blawgd about how to get the MSDN library for offline use](https://blag.nullteilerfrei.de/2017/12/21/get-the-msdn-library-for-offline-use/). However, the Help Viewer has its problems. I won't list all of its problems, but it was certainly a bad candidate to integrate Win32 API documentation support to Ghidra. There is [a pretty neat project by Laurence Jackson](http://laurencejackson.com/win32/), but I think I just found something a little better even: Microsoft provides [a download of the MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008 SP1, stand-alone, offline, as an ISO](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=20955) - smell this, Help Viewer: So this is nice, but the main point of this exercise was to integrate this into Ghidra. If that's something you care about, read on.

So you develop in [Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition](https://www.visualstudio.com/de/vs/community/) and you long for the old days when there was a way to get the [MSDN Library](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/) as an offline help file? Fear not, you still can. Open Visual Studio, type Ctrl+Q to open the quick access bar, usually located in the upper right corner of your interface. Enter Help Viewer, it should yield one result by that name, marked as an *"individual component"*. Selecting that entry should allow you to download and install the Help Viewer. Now relaunch Visual Studio and start the Help Viewer via quick access in the same way. You will be prompted whether you want to download some *content* - and I bet you do.