We decided to use the javascript markdown engine [showdown](https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown) for the blawg, and [$\KaTeX$](https://khan.github.io/KaTeX/) for rendering latex. If you think that's a good way to go: Here is how to do it with wordpress.

I need to update this wordpress install every once in a while. There are lots of bash scripts on the internet that perform this task, and they are complicated beyond reason. This is what I use:
function cfg {  
    grep $2 $1/wp-config.php | awk 'BEGIN {FS="[, )\x27]*"}; {print $3;}'

echo "> backing up database."
mysqldump --user=$(cfg $1 DB_USER) \
          --password=$(cfg $1 DB_PASSWORD)  \
          --host=$(cfg $1 DB_HOST)          \
          $(cfg $1 DB_NAME) > backup.database.sql

echo "> backing up website."
tar -cjf backup.files.bz2 $1
echo "> retrieving latest wordpress."
wget -q https://wordpress.org/latest.zip
unzip -qq latest.zip

echo "> updating wordpress."
rm -r $1/wp-includes $1/wp-admin
cp -r wordpress/* $1/

echo "> cleaning up."
rm -r wordpress
rm latest.zip
It takes a single argument, which is the name of your wordpress root directory. It backups your database to the file backup.database.sql and backups the files to backup.files.bz2, then it simply proceeds as described in the wordpress codex for updating manual. I do not see what all the fuzz is about.