I am quite unsatisfied with the current state of full disk encryption solutions available for use with Windows 10 on a Laptop with SSD. This blag post will mirror some of what [Bruce Schneier already said on the matter][Schneier2]: I will discuss some of the options and point out problems. I am not offering a solution, just a variety of bad choices to pick from. [Schneier2]: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2015/06/encrypting_wind.html Do you want to know more?

So you develop in [Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition](https://www.visualstudio.com/de/vs/community/) and you long for the old days when there was a way to get the [MSDN Library](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/) as an offline help file? Fear not, you still can. Open Visual Studio, type Ctrl+Q to open the quick access bar, usually located in the upper right corner of your interface. Enter Help Viewer, it should yield one result by that name, marked as an *"individual component"*. Selecting that entry should allow you to download and install the Help Viewer. Now relaunch Visual Studio and start the Help Viewer via quick access in the same way. You will be prompted whether you want to download some *content* - and I bet you do.

Part of me wants to write about all the [horror](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ten-malicious-libraries-found-on-pypi-python-package-index/) and [glory](https://crates.io) there is to be seen in package management, but quite frankly it'll take too long. Instead, I will just leave you with a tiny piece of advice. Here comes. If you are on Windows and you want to install a *legitimate* Python package (like for example [PyCryptodome](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycryptodome), because naturally you are **fully aware** that [PyCrypto is dead](https://github.com/dlitz/pycrypto/issues/173).), which in reality is a bottomless pit, at the center of which there is a C library, straight from hell - then maybe get the [Microsoft Compiler for Python](http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44266) instead of, who knows, wasting hours or even days looking for a less reasonable solution. Credit, as so very often, [goes to stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/27327236/1578458).

I have a [problem with my Nokia 3](https://android.stackexchange.com/q/180669/197410) and decided to try the [Nokia customer support](https://www.nokia.com/en_int/phones/support) while doing some [recreational math](https://projecteuler.net/), that's what a great Saturday is to me. Don't judge. During the conversation, I grew very suspicious that I was talking to a chat bot. This was the first time for me hearing about chat robots being deployed in support by a [respectable company like Nokia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia#Controversies), so I decided to make sure I wasn't being paranoid. Time for a Turing test! I guess you can never really know, but I am quite convinced they lie to me and are actually robots. You can try it yourself, just go to [their support site](https://www.nokia.com/en_int/phones/support) and start a chat. Would you like to know more?

My lamenting will be about the overall way in which device encryption is implemented in Android. This is mostly a collection of links where you can find out more about how it ~~worked across the recent versions~~ all went south. This article strictly expresses my own, badly informed opinion and you should check all the provided references carefully before forming your own. read();

We decided to use the javascript markdown engine [showdown](https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown) for the blawg, and [$\KaTeX$](https://khan.github.io/KaTeX/) for rendering latex. If you think that's a good way to go: Here is how to do it with wordpress.

We have updated the layout, also the posts are now markdown-rendered on the client side. Oh, and we switched to [$\KaTeX$](https://khan.github.io/KaTeX/) for math rendering. Since this breaks compatibility with the old hairball of plugins we had, it will take some time before all the old entries are fixed, but we are working on it.

My Windows desktop computer is set to turn the screen off after one minute of inactivity. It's usually a good idea. Except when I am reading something on screen. Then it is terribly annoying. Most media players can prevent Windows from turning off the screen by calling [SetThreadExecutionState](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa373208(VS.85).aspx). Well. So can I:
import ctypes
input('screen stays on. press any key to exit.')
Pretty neat, huh? Python really can do all things.

Es [gibt einige Probleme, im WiFi der Deutschen Bahn im ICE ein VPN zu verwenden](https://community.bahn.de/questions/1197692-nutzung-wifionice-ssl-vpn), und das ist natürlich ein Problem, weil es sich dabei um ein offenes und unverschlüsseltes Netz handelt. Die Bahn erklärt das Problem dadurch, dass Mobilfunk aktuell nur Pakete durch lässt, die maximal 1500 Byte groß sind. Da noch Platz für deren Header bleiben muss, sollte man die MTU auf 1440 setzen. Unter Windows macht man das wie folgt: Click!

I have started to [learn](http://rustbyexample.com/) [rust](http://rust-lang.org), and I am enjoying myself. This is a merge and update on the two fantastic blog posts on [how to setup Visual Studio Code for Rust](https://mobiarch.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/rust-using-visual-studio-code/) and [how to enable debugging](https://sherryummen.in/2016/09/02/debugging-rust-on-windows-using-visual-studio-code/). In my personal opinion, from among [all the available IDE solutions for rust](https://areweideyet.com/), this is the best. Do you want to know more?

Ich habe ((This post is in German and I am not sure if this is even internationally relevant.)) nach etwa einer Stunde die Suche nach einer LaTeX Vorlage für Übungsscheine erfolglos abgebrochen und eine eigene entworfen. Um dem einen oder anderen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter das Leben zu erleichtern ist hier das Ergebnis meiner Mühen. Das ist jetzt natürlich auf die TU Berlin zugeschnitten und verwendet deswegen auch das offizielle TU Berlin Logo, aber es sollte keine große Schwierigkeit darstellen, es an die eigenen Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Die Verwendung sollte recht selbsterklärend sein. Es druckt pro DIN-A4 Seite zwei Übungsscheine. Wenn die Seite exakt in der Mitte geteilt wird, sollten die Seitenränder passen und in etwa 7mm betragen. In meinen Tests ist das Ergebnis jedenfalls passabel und muss abgesehen vom Trennschnit auf A5 nicht weiter zugeschnitten werden.

I recently noticed that RdrCEF.exe was clocking close to all of my CPU cycles. This is a cloud service built into Adobe Reader DC, which [constantly sends all kinds of information to Amazon](https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1811609). Leaving all the privacy concerns aside, my computer became inoperable by opening a PDF document. Okay, here's how you fix this. * Download the [Adobe Wizard](http://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/Wizard/), most likely [the version for Adobe DC](http://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/Wizard/WizardDC/basics.html). * Put on your robe and your wizard hat. * Get yourself your preferred [Adobe DC Installer](ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1500720033/), and **make sure it's the MSI version**. * Use the Wizard to open the MSI and do this: [![Adobe Wizard Removes Cloud Services](/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/wizard-300x213.png)](/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/wizard.png) * Save the MSI and install your new AdobeDC. Of course, feel free to customize your AdobeDC installer in any other way.

So unless you know and use [git annex](https://git-annex.branchable.com/), this is not going to be very useful for you. Check it out, though. It's pretty cool. Unless you are on Windows. In that case it's hell. Anyway, I wrote a script to help me figure out the output of [git annex unused](http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/wily/man1/git-annex-unused.1.html). In short, it tells you what those files used to be called before you lost them. Script:
import re, sys, os
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')

def seeker(s):
  process = Popen(["git", "log", "--stat", "-S", s], stderr=FNULL, stdout=PIPE)
  log = process.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")
  match = re.search(r"(([ -~]*\/)*[ -~]*)\|", log)
  if not match: return ''
  else: return match.group(1).strip()

if len(sys.argv)>1:
  print( seeker(sys.argv[1]) )
  clist = []
  while True:
    crawl = input().strip()
    if not crawl: break
    crawl = crawl.split()
  for x in clist:
    print('%s : %s' % ( x[0], seeker(x[1]) ) )
You can either call it with one argument which should be a key, or if you call it with no argument, it expects you to paste the list of results you got from git annex unused into stdin. It then goes through the list and tells you the corresponding filename for each key. This script is phenomenally stupid in that it does quite a terrible regular expression search on the output of git log and returns the first match it finds. Sue me, it works pretty well at my end.