Well. In case you have not stumbled across the corresponding StackOverflow post, and if you have always wondered why vim does not work properly in cygwin, just
[rattle@ALICE:~]$ cat .vimrc
set nocompatible
set backspace=indent,eol,start
and your worries will be over.

A lot of people are in the situation where they want to use more than one Dropbox account on one (windows) machine (for whatever reason). The default way of doing this is the following: * create a new local user account * log in as that user and install Dropbox * log back in as the default user and use something like psexec to execute the installed Dropbox as the other user account while being logged in as default user To automate this process, I wrote the following script that also takes care of cosmetics like "hiding the newly created user from the login screen". Do you want to know more?

Hetzner has a webinterface to manage DNS zonefiles. Since their API does not support the management of zonefiles I decided to write a small python script that does the job ((There actually is a perl script that claims to do the same but it has the (long expired) "session id" hard coded I think.)). You can download it on github (use it at your own risk and read the code if you want to be sure). (more…)

If you run cygwin applications such as [the rsync-backup script](/2014/01/31/incremental-backups-with-rsync-in-windows/), you will sometimes run into trouble with odd NTFS permissions being set by the cygwin application. My tip is to avoid this by making cygwin not set *any* permissions at all. If a cygwin application then creates a file, for instance, this file will only inherit its security settings from the folder it is contained in. This way, you can set access control on the root directory and all the files created by rsync inside that folder will inherit these permissions. How to do it? Open your cygwin shell and edit /etc/fstab which should contain only one non-comment line:
none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,posix=0,user 0 0
Now insert the noacl attribute, see [the cygwin manual](http://www.cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#mount-table):
none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,noacl,posix=0,user 0 0
And the next time you run rsync-backup, it will *not* set all kinds of awkward permissions on your files which make them unreadable on a freshly installed computer. Just saying.

I asked a question on mathoverflow, and while researching I stumbled upon a theorem which I did not know before. I consider it quite powerful and the proof is short and sweet, I copied it from this expository paper by Bryden Cais: Theorem. Let $X$ be a normal, separated, Noetherian scheme and $U\subseteq X$ a nonempty affine open subset. Then, $X\setminus U$ is pure of codimension one. Proof. We need to show that for each generic point $y\in Y=X\setminus U$, the local ring $\mathcal{O}_{X,y}$ has dimension one. Let $y$ be the generic point of a component of $Y$. Denote by $\mathfrak{m}$ the maximal ideal of the local ring $A:=\mathcal{O}_{X,y}$. Let $S:=\mathrm{Spec}(A)$. The inclusion morphism $f:S\to X$ is affine because $X$ is separated (Lemma 1). Thus, $V:=f^{-1}(U)=S\setminus\{ \mathfrak{m} \}$ is an affine, open subscheme of $S$. The morphism on global sections $A=\mathcal{O}_S(S)\to\mathcal{O}_{V}(V)$, corresponding to the inclusion $V\to S$, is therefore injective. It can not be surjective because $V\ne S$. Pick some $a\in\mathcal{O}_{V}(V)\setminus A$. If we now had $\dim(A)>1$, then the prime ideals of height one $\mathfrak{p}\subseteq A$ would satisfy $\mathfrak{p}\ne\mathfrak{m}$, i.e. they would correspond to points contained in $V$. Consequently, we would have $a\in \mathcal{O}_{V,\mathfrak{p}} = A_{\mathfrak{p}}$. Because $A$ is a normal Noetherian domain, it is the intersection of all localizations at prime ideals of height one - this is Corollary 11.4 in Eisenbud's book. This yields the contradition that $a\in A$. Lemma 1. If $f:X\to Y$ is a morphism of schemes with $Y$ separated and $X$ affine, then $f$ is an affine morphism. Proof. This is exercise 3.3.6 in Qing Liu's book. Let $V\subseteq Y$ be an open affine subset. Proposition 3.9(f) in the same book tells you that there is a closed immersion $f^{-1}(V)\cong X\times_Y V\to X\times V$, so $f^{-1}(V)$ is isomorphic to a closed subscheme of an affine scheme, hence affine.

Most of you have probably heard of the new technology under the name 'Spritz' that allegedly enables you to read at a multiple of your usual pace. The concept is neither very new nor very complicated: Whenever we read a text, we do not scan every word, letter by letter, from left to right. Instead we focus on a single point for each word (apparently this point is after roughly one third of the word) and scan the whole thing in one go. So when we read text in the usual way, our eyes have to jump all over the place, trying to focus on the right spots and waste an awful lot of time in the process. The concept of Spritz is that you can focus at a single point on your screen and the app feeds you the words, one by one and in the right position. You can relax and let the words spritz into your eyes at high speed (yes, I went there). Since the idea is so simple, many different speed-readers (that's the general term that seems to have established itself) were published during the last few weeks. My goal was to find a nice speed-reader extension for my browser. Eventually I was successful and  learned quite a bit in the process. As requested I'll guide you through it: (more…)

I have been commuting between cities quite a lot for quite a while now, and I have given the issue of travel practicability quite a lot of thought. I was urged to share these thoughts, and so I obey. Let's start with the motivation: The worst thing that can happen to me on a trip is to be missing that one essential item, say a charging cable. This happened to me a lot because I usually do not have my charging cable with me at all times. It's at home, where I charge my phone/laptop. The solution for this kind of problem is redundancy. I present the concept of the onebag: It is the one bag which always contains everything you really need. That essential assortment of items should be in your onebag at all times. Mind you, though: Your onebag contains the items you'll need on every trip, it does not contain every item you will need on a trip. Its purpose is to never leave you pondering if you forgot something important. My onebag is broken down into three levels: * Level 1: I have a USB stick attached to my key ring which contains all my most precious data. Together with my wallet and my phone, this is level 1. This stuff is with me at all times. * Level 2: I use an organizer casket for all my electronic devices and cables that I usually need for work, together with my laptop this is level 2. I take these items to work every day, but I do not take them with me when I go out to buy groceries. * Level 3: A red backpack. It contains duplicate copies of all my charging cables in this cable organizer, hygiene products ((I have been thinking about putting a towel in there, but I never really need one. Hotels and friends give you towels, and one of those is usually where I stay.)), one change of underwear and binbags. Together with levels 1 and 2, this is my onebag. This is just an example of course. The point is to minimize thinking about "what to pack". If I need to go to another city for 3 days, I grab level 2 and stuff it into the bag, take 3 shirts and 3 changes of underwear and I am essentially done. If you did it right, about 98% of your travel preparations should be as simple as packing the clothes you need for the trip into your onebag. For some trips, you might need an additional bag for more clothes or you might need to pack some items which are very specific to the trip you are about to take: But your essential gear is already in the bag.

I decided to switch to the new design made by Roman for us, even though he protests that it is not finished. After a long sequence of emails, I managed to pester him into letting me fix the remaining technical wordpress issues with several dirty hacks myself, and there we are. This layout is responsive and will work properly on smartphones. Just two months ago, I could not have cared less about such things, but now I have a smartphone myself.

As some of you might know, I got my first mobile device now and started playing around with it. Today, I need to rant, because I lost 79 cents. When you buy an app on the amazon app store, you can no longer use it after you uninstall the amazon app store. Other android users also hate the amazon app store because it is an obnoxious app which is mean and does not let you use apps which you paid for with money after you get rid of the data-leaking abomination it is. Do not use it. I simply bought ownCloud on the humble, trustworthy google play store again. I have no time to deal with amazon over those 79 cents. But I have time to write this scornful post.

Ich habe endlich herausgefunden, wie man auch die letzten merkwürdigen Autovervollständigungen von TexStudio eliminert. Das Problem ensteht vor allem mit deutschen Tastaturen, da man häufig Ctrl+Alt noch gedrückt hat, wenn man die Leertaste betätigt, etwa nachdem man eine schließende, geschweifte Klammer (Ctrl+Alt+0 liefert }) eingegeben hat. Dies hat in der TexStudio Standardkonfiguration zur Folge, dass ein \begin{ im Text eingefügt wird. Wie schaltet man das aus? So: * TexStudio konfigurieren * Tastenkürzel * Menüs * Idefix * Vervollständige * Den \begin{ Vervollständigungs-Hotkey löschen Es könnte noch andere Ctrl+Alt-Makros dieser Art geben, die man löschen sollte. Ich werde diesen Post updaten, wenn mir weitere unterkommen.

I was pointed to the cool rsync-backup script which uses cygwin's rsync and hardlinks in NTFS to provide a method for incremental backups which is probably the best I have seen so far. Basically, the effect is as follows: Whenever you backup your data to the backup location (which is somewhere on an NTFS drive), the only actual data that will be copied is for the files that have changed since the last backup. Nevertheless, there will be a new folder in your backup location which contains all files and folders you just backed up. Just: Those that did not change have not been copied, they have just been hardlinked to the old files instead. Now here comes the best part: The actual contents of a file with more than one hardlink to it are deleted only after the last link to it has been removed. Thus, you can delete old backups and the only data that will actually be deleted is the old data, the data that changed in later backups. Now, I modified the script slightly to better suit my needs. First of all, I only back up a single folder. If you want to backup multiple folders to a single location, move along. This is not for you. Use the original rsync-backup if you wish. Mine is different. Do you want to know more?

If you want to go from 32 to 64 bit [Cygwin](http://www.cygwin.com) but keep all the packages ((At least those that are available.)), you might find yourself in a spot where you would like to export the list of cygwin packages and also be able to install cygwin with all these packages again. I will tell you how. Open your Cygwin shell and enter
grep " 1$" /etc/setup/installed.db | awk '{print $1}' > packagelist
This will dump a list of all *selected* packages and is the kind contribution of Yamakuzure-san. Earlier, I had proposed the following command:
cygcheck -c -d | sed -e "1,2d" -e 's/ .*$//' > packagelist
which will simply dump a list of *installed* packages, including all the dependencies (possibly cluttering up your cygwin backup file). In the comments below you'll see that my command worked better in one case. If you decide to try both, leave a comment about how they performed for you. To install Cygwin 64 from such a package file, download [setup-x86_64](http://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe). Of course, this will also work with the old [setup-x86.exe](http://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe) if you are reading this just for the sake backing up your cygwin install configuration. Execute the installer with the command line parameters
./setup-x86_64 -P `awk 'NR==1{printf $1}{printf ",%s", $1}' packagelist`
The **awk** command reads your file and turns it into a comma-separated list, then this string is passed as the argument to the **-P** option of the installer. It may not be documented with great detail in the [Cygwin installer command-line options](http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.html#faq.setup.cli), but CSV is exactly what the **-P** option expects. Since you might want to use **cygcheck** to backup your cygwin-install, you might not have **awk** and a bash shell at your disposal at the time of install. However, you should certainly have some kind of python installed already. Here is a python script that will read your packages correctly and install cygwin with them selected:
from urllib import request
import sys, getopt, subprocess
build = 'x86'
packagefile = 'packagelist'
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'',['64','packages='])
for o,a in opts:
    if o == '--64': build = 'x86_64'
    if o == '--packages':
        packagefile = a
setupfile = "setup-%s.exe" % build
packages = ','.join([ x.strip() for x in open(packagefile).readlines()])
r = request.urlopen("http://cygwin.com/%s" % setupfile)
subprocess.call([setupfile, '-P', packages ])
In fact, it first downloads the current setup executable from the cygwin server and then launches it. It accepts the option --64 to install 64 bit cygwin and the option --packages=packagelist to select a file with a list of packages.

I need to compute the meet of two partitions $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_r)$ and $\mu=(\mu_1,\ldots,\mu_s)$ with respect to the dominance order. It's not a difficult thing to do and might be considered an oddity by most of you, but that doesn't bother me. Do you want to know more?